전체 글
Hippocrates Quotes (히포크라테스 명언)명언과 철학 2023. 2. 6. 21:00
"To do nothing is sometimes a good remedy." This quote suggests that in some cases, taking a step back and allowing the body to rest and heal on its own can be just as effective, if not more so, than actively trying to treat an issue with medication or other forms of intervention. Similar to how a plant needs time and space to grow, our bodies also need time to heal and recover from illness or i..
Pythagoras Quotes(피타고라스 명언)명언과 철학 2023. 2. 5. 21:00
Don't try to cover your mistakes with false words. Rather, correct your mistakes with examination. The quote is emphasizing the importance of taking responsibility for one's actions and not trying to hide or cover up mistakes with false words or excuses. It suggests that instead of trying to avoid the consequences of our mistakes, we should examine them and take steps to correct them. This appro..
Rene Descartes Quotes(르네 데카르트 명언)명언과 철학 2023. 2. 4. 20:00
"I can doubt everything, except one thing, and that is the very fact that I doubt. Simply put. I think, therefore I am." This quote is from Rene Descartes, and it's often referred to as his "Cogito" argument. The idea behind this quote is that in order to doubt something, one must be aware that the thing being doubted exists. Descartes believed that the only thing that we can be certain of is ou..
아는분이 누누티비인가 머시긴가 보던데 버퍼링걸린다고해서 해결해드림.IT/일반(OS,일상) 2023. 2. 4. 18:22
지인 컴퓨터에서 다시보기 사이트가 버퍼링이 너무걸려서 처리해줌 어디 블로그에서 해외망 접속시 뭐하고 국내망접속시 뭐하면서 dns 초기화하고 구글껄로도 해보고 이것저것 다 해봤는데 해결이 안됨. 지인이 원한거는 클릭했을때 바로 영상이 실행되기까지도 안바라고 버퍼링좀 줄일수있게 해달라해서 들어가서 설치해서 해결해줌 WARP로 하니깐 똑같이 버퍼링걸려서 이걸로 설정바꿔주고 해결해줌 (꼭 설정해주고 나서 인터넷창은 다 닫고 다시 열어주는게 마음 건강에 좋음)
Socrates Quotes(소크라테스 명언)명언과 철학 2023. 2. 3. 20:00
"Do it because it's in your heart. Not because you want something in return. Employ your time in improving yourself by other men's writings, so that you shall gain easily what others have labored hard for." This quote encourages the idea of doing things because they align with one's values and passions, rather than for the sake of external rewards or recognition. It suggests that by dedicating o..
Archimedes Quotes(아르키메데스 명언)명언과 철학 2023. 2. 2. 20:00
"There are things which seem incredible to most men who have not studied Mathematics." This quote means that there are certain concepts and ideas in mathematics that may seem impossible or unbelievable to those who have not studied it, but with proper understanding and education, one can come to see the truth and beauty in these concepts. For example, the concept of infinity may seem impossible ..
Leonardo da Vinci Quotes(레오나르도 다빈치 명언)명언과 철학 2023. 2. 1. 20:00
Experience is a truer guide than the words of others. This quote is emphasizing the importance of personal experience as a source of knowledge and understanding. It suggests that direct, first-hand experience is a more reliable guide than the words or advice of others. This is because when we experience something for ourselves, we can gain a deeper understanding and insight into the subject, rat..
Albert Einstein Quotes (알버트 아인슈타인 명언)명언과 철학 2023. 1. 31. 20:00
Weak people revenge. Strong people forgive. Intelligent People Ignore. When a person is weak, they often feel the need to seek revenge when they are wronged. This can be seen in small acts of retaliation, such as spreading rumors or excluding someone from social activities. Strong people, on the other hand, have the emotional fortitude to forgive those who have hurt them. They understand that ho..