C. S. Lewis Quotes(C. S. 루이스 명언)명언과 철학 2023. 2. 14. 06:15
"I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen. Not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else." This quote is expressing the depth of C. S. Lewis's faith in Christianity. He compares his belief in Christianity to the way he believes the sun rises each day. Just as the sun provides light and allows us to see everything around us, Lewis feels that Christianity ..
Immanuel Kant Quotes(임마누엘 칸트 명언)명언과 철학 2023. 2. 13. 06:15
"A lie is a lie, and in itself intrinsically evil, whether it be told with good or bad intents." This quote highlights the idea that lying is a fundamentally unethical behavior, regardless of the reasons behind it. For example, even if a person lies to protect a loved one from harm, the act of lying itself is still wrong. Lying undermines trust and honesty, which are crucial elements of healthy ..
Plato Quotes(플라톤 명언)명언과 철학 2023. 2. 12. 07:00
"No one is more hated than he who speaks the truth." This quote highlights the idea that telling the truth can sometimes result in negative consequences, such as hate or dislike from others. The reason for this is that the truth can often be uncomfortable, challenging, or even hurtful. It can reveal things about someone or a situation that the person does not want to acknowledge. In these cases,..
Abraham Lincoln Quotes(에이브러햄 링컨 명언)명언과 철학 2023. 2. 11. 07:00
"Great men are ordinary men with extra ordinary determination." This quote emphasizes the importance of determination in achieving greatness. It suggests that great people are not necessarily born with exceptional talent or abilities, but they have a strong will and determination to succeed. This determination is what sets them apart from ordinary individuals and allows them to accomplish extrao..
Marilyn Monroe Quotes(마릴린 먼로 명언)명언과 철학 2023. 2. 10. 21:00
"Just because you fail once doesn't mean you're gonna fail at everything." This quote is about resilience and not giving up after facing a setback. It suggests that one failure does not define a person's entire journey or future success. For example, imagine you tried to make a recipe for the first time and it didn't turn out as well as you hoped. The quote encourages you to keep trying, learn f..
Nelson Mandela Quotes(넬슨 만델라 명언)명언과 철학 2023. 2. 9. 21:00
Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. This quote means that education has immense power and potential to bring about change in the world. With education, one can acquire knowledge, skills, and values that can be used to positively impact their community and the world at large. Education is like a sharp sword that can be wielded to cut through ignorance, dis..
Confucius Quotes(공자 명언)명언과 철학 2023. 2. 8. 21:00
"Life is really simple, but we insisted on making it complicated." This quote means that often times, people overthink and overcomplicate things in their lives that could be simple, leading to unnecessary stress and confusion. For example, consider trying to put together a puzzle. Initially, one may get frustrated with the complexity of the puzzle and become overwhelmed. However, if they take a ..
Gautama Buddha Quotes(석가모니 명언)명언과 철학 2023. 2. 7. 21:00
"If you light a lamp for somebody, it will also brighten your path" It means that helping others can have a positive impact on our own lives as well. Just as lighting a candle not only provides light to others but also illuminates our own path, helping others can bring light and positivity into our own lives. This quote encourages us to be kind and compassionate towards others, as it will not on..